Most Downloaded Packages

Top 100 Community Packages Over the Last 6 Weeks
The community packages with the most downloads.
 # Package Downloads
1 newtonsoft.json 179
2 unipluss.sign.client 166
3 paket 150
4 fake.experimental 117
5 unipluss.sign.models 109
6 underscore.typescript.definitelytyped 96
7 servicestack.logging.nlog 90
8 octopack 90
9 angularjs.animate 88
10 test20180623001855 88
11 angularjs.sanitize 88
12 angularjs.resource 85
13 83
14 basetestpackage 71
15 angularjs.route 70
16 ravendb.tests.helpers 66
17 mvvmcross.hottuna.crosscore 65
18 t4mvcextensions 64
19 xunit.core 64
20 mvvmcross 63
21 humanizer 63
22 mvccontrib.mvc3.testhelper-ci 61
23 angularjs.cookies 61
24 mvccontrib.mvc3-ci 61
25 mvccontrib.mvc3.fluenthtml-ci 60
26 aspose.cells 60
27 machine.fakes 59
28 opencover 58
29 attributerouting 58
30 masstransit.rabbitmq 58
31 servicestack.logging.log4net 57
32 libgit2sharp 57
33 tinyos.pipelink 56
34 nowin 56
35 ninject 55
36 google.apis.oauth2.v2 55
37 swashbuckle 55
38 consul 55
39 test 55
40 xunit.runner.visualstudio 54
41 couchbasenetclient 53
42 reportgenerator 53
43 jquery 53
44 ninject.web.webapi 53
45 postmark 53
46 xunit.assert 53
47 cassette.views 52
48 aspose.words 52
49 masstransit.log4net 52
50 exchangeapi 52
51 dapper 51
52 google.api.gax.grpc 51
53 booksleeve 51
54 octokit 50
55 50
56 sqlitepclraw.core 50
57 msgpack.cli 50
58 xunit.extensibility.core 50
59 49
60 ninject.web.webapi.webhost 49
61 mongocsharpdriver 48
62 48
63 nancy 48
64 nsubstitute 48
65 google.api.gax 47
66 mvvmcross.hottuna.mvvmcrosslibraries 47
67 mathnet.numerics 46
68 abp.web.resources 46
69 fake.core 46
70 abp.entityframework 46
71 nancy.authentication.forms 46
72 jqueryui.typescript.definitelytyped 46
73 hangfire.core 45
74 xunit.extensibility.execution 45
75 bouncycastle 45
76 serilog.enrichers.environment 44
77 benchmarkdotnet 44
78 nancy.viewengines.razor 44
79 xunit.runners 44
80 ninject.web.common.webhost 44
81 44
82 xunit.runner.console 44
83 nlog.web.aspnetcore 43
84 reactiveui-platforms 43
85 andrei.testpackage3 43
86 dotless 43
87 jint 42
88 ninject.web.common 42
89 markdig.signed 42
90 servicestack.ormlite 42
91 xunit.abstractions 41
92 cassandracsharpdriver 41
93 chutzpah 41
94 dotlessclientonly 40
95 nancy.testing 40
96 servicestack.interfaces 40
97 serilog.sinks.applicationinsights 40
98 nancy.bootstrappers.autofac 40
99 taskscheduler 40
100 simpleinjector.integration.webapi 40
Statistics last updated Sunday, March 30, 2025 10:38 PM.