- 235,033 total downloads
- last updated 3/12/2013
- Latest version: 3.5.6
Core functionality for all AttributeRouting packages. -
- 228,251 total downloads
- last updated 3/12/2013
- Latest version: 3.5.6
Core functionality for AttributeRouting ASP.NET MVC and Web API packages. -
- 205,835 total downloads
- last updated 3/12/2013
- Latest version: 3.5.6
AttributeRouting for ASP.NET MVC lets you specify routes using attributes on your MVC controllers and actions. -
- 127,347 total downloads
- last updated 3/12/2013
- Latest version: 3.5.6
Core functionality for AttributeRouting Web API packages. -
- 126,056 total downloads
- last updated 3/12/2013
- Latest version: 3.5.6
AttributeRouting for ASP.NET Web API lets you specify routes using attributes on your API controllers and actions.